Roger Waters responds to Nick Cave criticising his BDS stance: "It’s not complicated, Nick"
Cave claimed Water's attitude towards an Israel boycott is "deeply damaging" and "embarrassing"

Nick Mason wants to use AI to create new Pink Floyd songs
“The thing to do would be to have an AI situation where David and Roger become friends again"

Roger Waters and Piers Morgan clash over anti-Semitism claims and Israel Palestine conflict after being called "world's dumbest rockstar"
"It went as well as could be expected," the host said of Waters' appearance on 'Piers Morgan Uncensored'

Disturbed's David Draiman calls Roger Waters a “monster” and an “anti-Semitic to his rotten core”
“He’s a piece of work, that deluded old freak”

Eric Clapton on Roger Waters' political views: "It takes a lot of guts, and he suffers from it terribly”
He also claimed that he’s seen the Pink Floyd musician “sit on the window ledge in tears”

Roger Waters calls U2's Bono "disgusting" and "a shit"
“Anybody who knows Bono should go and pick him up by his ankles and shake him… until he stops being an enormous shit”

BMG reportedly splitting from Roger Waters following Israel comments
Waters has repeatedly been accused of antisemitism and is the subject of a recent documentary on the topic

Roger Waters fired his son from his touring band before he joined a Pink Floyd tribute act
Harry Waters had played keyboards with his dad's band for 14 years

Court in Chile rejects ban on Roger Waters performing over claims of antisemitism
The Representative Committee of Jewish Entities in Chile had sought to stop the shows from taking place

Roger Waters argues Hamas' "fishy" October 7 attacks could have been "false flag operation"
Waters argued that the massacre, which killed 1,400 Israelis, was “thrown out of all proportion” and insisted not all of those killed were civilians