Pete Doherty challenges Liam Gallagher to a boxing match: "He needs a slap"

Pete Doherty on the chances of Babyshambles returning

Pete Doherty on what 'Albion' means in the era of Brexit

Pete Doherty: "Smack and prison are subjects I'll sit and talk about all day"

Pete Doherty, interviewed: "I'm not that messed up arsehole"

Peter Doherty & The Puta Madres – 'Peter Doherty & The Puta Madres' review

Pete Doherty on why Brexit will "be the best thing in the world for music"

Remember Frog, Nambucca and The Rhythm Factory? Check out these pictures of London's mid-2000s indie disco scene

Liam Gallagher on how Drew McConnell joined his band - and the time he met Pete Doherty